
Posted by j on 3rd Jul 2024

Nanit Baby Monitor | Review

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I immediately immersed myself into the world of baby products. As a new mom, it can be extremely overwhelming trying to decide what produc …

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Posted by Van Wagner on 13th Mar 2024

The Fall of Rome

The Roman Empire became static and this forced change over the course of its life. The fall of the Empire parallels the life of a star. A star burns for billions of years until its hydrogen supply beg …

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18th Nov 2023

2 dollar bill legends

There are various legends and misconceptions surrounding the two-dollar bill, contributing to its somewhat mysterious or unusual reputation. Some common myths and stories include: Rare and Valuable: …

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Posted by Mary Persons Weaver on 6th Jul 2022

My Brother and the Moon

My brother Junie was such an influence in my life.When I found out I wasn’t going to be living with him forever I was devastated.He was the killer of snakes ~~ real and imagined.For some reason when I …

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Posted by Great Aunt Bette on 6th Jul 2022

Two “Nutty” Aunts

This is a short essay on two great, great aunts of Hoytie Bangs, done by great Aunt Bette Hohe.Let’s write first of Connie Sundh Marshall, your great-grandmother Alice Sundh Persons’ sister.She is a c …

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Posted by Gracie Hamilton on 6th Jul 2022

A Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath

When I turn back the pages of life to the time between 1898 and 1911, I see my paternal grandmother with a lingering smile, a grateful heart, and tears in my eyes.She was indeed the pivot of loving ki …

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